Prevent developmental delay and disability

Prevent developmental delay and disability

India has majority youth population suffering from single or multiple disabilities for whom pursuing education is a major challenge.

For children with disabilities, the government has special schools are located in urban areas and run by voluntary organizations.

The Persons with Disabilities Act,1995, has placed responsibility on the government to ensure that every child with a disability has access to free education in an appropriate environment till he attains the age of 18 years. Recently the programme of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan(SSA) has been approved with the aim that all the children in the age group of 6-14 are able to complete 8 years of schooling by 2010.

Know Early Intervention Team -

  • • To prevent developmental delay and disability.
  • Psychologist - To counsel, conduct comprehensive assessment & Recommend therapies
  • Occupational Therapist - To improve fine & gross motor skills.
  • Speech Therapist - To improve speech & language skills
  • Special Educator - Concept building using Teaching Learning Materials (TLM).

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